Event box

Mendeley 2: Going further (Lunch+Learn) Online

An online session exploring Mendeley in greater depth. The session will take an in-depth look reading and annotation articles, organising and searching within your library.  We will also look at Mendeley Cite and how it can be used to cite your references within Microsoft Word.

Please note that a prior knowledge of Mendeley is required to attend this Lunch + Learn. If you are not familiar with Mendeley then please consider signing up to our introductory session on ‘Getting started with Mendeley’.

Please note, this session will be recorded, and the recording will be shared with session attendees.

Do let us know if you would prefer not to be recorded, or if you have any accessibility issues, by contacting library@cranfield.ac.uk

Related LibGuide: Referencing and plagiarism

Thursday, 8th May 2025
12:05 - 12:55
Time Zone:
UK, Ireland, Lisbon Time (change)
Event location:
Online event
This is an online event.
Register now:
Reserve a place online via DATES
Cranfield staff Research students Taught students
Lunch+Learn workshop

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Ruth Knowles
Ruth Knowles

Teaching and Learning Librarian
